Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Its a...

BOY! We got to see more of our baby last week and found out we are having a boy. We are going to (most likely) name him Dillan Romney Knutson. We are so excited for our little guy. He is pretty wiggly and big! He measures a week or two big for his gestational age (20 weeks (half way there!)). Brennan was really big when he was born. I am a little concerned:/ Anyway here is a sneek peek of our son.

This is him at nine weeks (he is an inch long in this picture).


  1. So, so, so awesome!!! You two seriously need to come and hang out!

  2. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. So excited for you guys, Congrats!!!!!

  4. Awesome! you will have so much fun with him!
