Sunday, October 23, 2011

(trumpet sound) Announcing: Dillan Romney Knutson

So Dillan is almost six weeks old now, and is as cute as ever! I know we are slackers but here are a bunch of pictures.
Really scary picture of me but aren’t all first baby pictures with their mother? Dillan arrived on Sept 14 at 8:02 p.m.. They started me that morning, but we never made progress (because he was so big). The ultrasound we did the day before guessed his weight to be 9 lbs. 7 oz. Luckily, he wasn’t quite that big. He weighed in at 8 lbs. 15 oz. The doctor gave us the option of going home and trying again the next day or having a C-section that night (that in his opinion was the best, because we would most likely have to have one anyway). We decided to have the C-section. Everything went great, and now we have the most perfect little boy!
My boys are so cute! This was his first bath (at home). Given to him by Dad and Grandma Hulet. He didn’t enjoy it.
He has a crazy swirl cowlick in the very front of his hair line. Apparently it is a Stewart family thing.
He is a pretty smiley kid, but as of this week he started to smile when we talk to him.
(Brennan writing now) We do miss our sleep (poor Emma hasn’t slept for more than 3 hours at a time for over a month) and he is kinda messy (we’ve certainly put our new washer through its paces) and sometimes he can be pretty Loud (particularly his flatulence) but we wouldn’t change a thing because there’s nothing we love more than our BOUNCING BABY BOY!... except maybe each other. ;)


  1. He's sooo cute!!! Congrats guys!

  2. He is so cute! And he has so much hair...apparently all the Knutson baby boys are born with lots of hair...except Ben.

    Can't wait to see him!

  3. He is so so so so cute!!!! I'm so happy for you guys! Congrats!

  4. I love the new dad shirt, i may have to find where I can purchase one for Jacob! Congratulations, it was good to see you this weekend.

  5. Oh my goodness he is adorable! Congratualtions, you two will be great parents!!!

  6. He is absolutely beautiful. I think you could have easily won the talent show by entering him.
    Congratulations to your family with a very handsome new addition.
    I am amazed by all his dark hair. Wow.

  7. WHAT A CUTE KID!!! The smiling picture is great! Emma, did you knit that elephant yourself? If you did, you're freakin' amazing and you should SERIOUSLY consider doing custom stuffed animals for $$$$. Just sayin'. And if it is store bought, then good choice. There are few better symbols of masculinity than the elephant.


  8. These are great! Good job, mom and dad!
